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Independent Financial Advisers




Who we are

Operating since 1986 from prominent High Street offices at 235 The Broadway Wimbledon SW19, MFS is a well-known and respected independent financial advice company with a track record stretching back over 50 years.

All MFS independent advisers are qualified with the Chartered Insurance Institute or Institute of Financial Services and hold the requisite Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) approved financial planning qualifications up to the highest level of a Chartered Financial Planner.

To ensure that the highest levels of professionalism are always maintained, all advisers receive on-going professional development and training.


Our approach

The MFS independent adviser will carry out a detailed analysis of your financial situation and any existing financial planning arrangements. Then after careful consideration of your needs, objectives, tax position and attitude to investment risk, the adviser will recommend and explain the best course(s) of action. A cash flow forecast modelling presentation can also be provided

A report will be issued to assist you with your appraisal of the appropriate options and in discussions with the adviser decide the preferred financial planning strategy.

If clients wish to proceed with the advice provided, the MFS team of experienced and qualified staff will implement the requirements and deal with all the associated paperwork.

Your dedicated adviser will not only work with you on all the initial financial planning but also remain available to guide you with future decisions for your ongoing financial planning. Additionally, your adviser will keep you updated on new products, revisions to tax legislation and amendments to financial planning regulations.

Lifetime Financial Planning. MFS also provides Lifetime Financial Planning. For information go to the tab SERVICES & FEES and scroll down to Lifetime Financial Planning. Alternatively, click here.


Our commitment to you

MFS offers a complimentary, exploratory initial consultation when prospective clients can raise questions concerning their financial planning situation

This initial, exploratory meeting allows you to understand the financial planning options available and will help establish whether you feel assured that MFS is a suitable company to provide your initial and, if required, ongoing financial planning guidance and support.

The MFS team is proud of its highly professional service level providing independent financial advice to a wide diversity of clients across the broad spectrum of financial planning.


MFS Investment Solution

The MFS Investment Solution is a bespoke and flexible approach to investment, the result of ongoing comprehensive analysis of the world markets and all suitable investment options. The resultant investment portfolios are amended and rebalanced quarterly or more frequently if felt appropriate. Revised Fact Sheets are issued quarterly confirming the principal holdings and investment performance.

The MFS unique Investment Solution is a blend of input from MFS and from the significant investment research resources of LGT Wealth Management and Waverton Investment Management, two of the UK’s largest and most respected Discretionary Fund Management companies.

The MFS Investment Solution can be used exclusively for your investment requirements or in tandem with other investment options. 


MFS Financial Bulletin

MFS Portfolio Fact Sheets

Sustainable Portfolio Fact Sheets

Waverton Fact Sheets

Market Commentary


The MFS fee-based structures.
The following fee structures are always formally provided and the clients agreement confirmed before any fee based work is undertaken:


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